Dienstag, 18. August 2020

Bertolt Brecht - Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti - Pauken und Trompeten (LITERA)

"Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti", a play (Volksstück) by Bertolt Brecht, was written in 1940, first performed in June 1948, and published in 1959, though a Finnish version appeared in 1946.

An unusually amusing comedy, it is based on stories and on a projected play by the Finnish writer Hella Wuolijoki. The farmer Puntila alternates between sobriety and inspired intoxication; during the former state he has all the drawbacks, from the Marxist viewpoint, of the orthodox landowner, and during the latter state he behaves like a human being among other human beings. Matti, Puntila's chauffeur, in the end abandons his unpredictable employer, singing a song ending ‘'s wird Zeit, daß deine Knechte dir den Rücken kehren./Den guten Herrn, den finden sie geschwind./Wenn sie erst ihre eignen Herren sind". For his complexity and vitality, "Mr. Puntila" ranks on a par with Brecht's indelible "Galileo" and "Mother Courage".

"Trumpets and Drums" (German: "Pauken und Trompeten") is an adaptation of an 18th-century English Restoration comedy by Farquhar, "The Recruiting Officer". It was written by the German dramatist Bertolt Brecht in collaboration with Benno Besson and Elisabeth Hauptmann.

It was first performed in 1955 in a production directed by Besson, with music by Rudolf Wagner-Régeny (whose songs for the play have been called "Weill-like" by John Willett). It was the first premiere of Brecht's final season at the Berliner Ensemble. Willett identifies an instance of Brecht's lifelong indebtedness to Rudyard Kipling in the play's "Song of the Women of Gaa."

The production strongly influenced the English director William Gaskill's reinterpretation of Farquhar's original play for the National Theatre.

This album features recordings from the Berliner Ensemble with Therese Giehse, Erwin Geschonneck and many more.

Bertolt Brecht - Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti - Pauken und Trompeten
(192 kbps, front cover included)

You find the original liner notes in the comment section.

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