Sonntag, 19. April 2020

VA - Wann wir schreiten Seit an Seit - Hymnen & Kampflieder der Arbeiterbewegung

This collections features worker songs from the 20th century and the last half of the 19th century. The recordings were done between 1966 and 1984 at the "Arbeiterfestspiele" and "Nationale Jugendfestival" in the GDR.

The "Solidaritätslied" ("Vorwärts und nicht vergessen") is an interpretation by Ernst Busch, the vocals on "Venceremos" were done by Dean Reed.

01 Wann wir schreiten Seit an Seit
02 Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit
03 Auf, auf zum Kampf
04 Arbeiter-Marseillaise
05 Brüder, seht die rote Fahne
06 Dem Morgenrot entgegen
07 Warschawjanka
08 Matrosen von Kronstadt
09 Der Rote Wedding
10 Solidaritätslied
11 Die Moorsoldaten
12 Die Thälmann-Kolonne
13 Thälmann-Lied
14 Badiera rossa
15 Venceremos
16 Black and white
17 We shall overcome
18 Die Internationale

VA - Wann wir schreiten Seit an Seit
(192 kbps, front cover included)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Could the owner of this blog please contact me? I've been trying for years without success to contact someone with whom I corresponded during the 1970s and 1980s. We lost contact many years ago. I'm hoping that you'll be able to help me make a connection. Our common interest was blues.

    My address is

  2. I should have added that he lived in East Germany.
