Sonntag, 21. Februar 2016

The Victoria Kings - The Mighty Kings of Benga

Benga is the king of Kenyan dance music and the Victoria Kings (along with Shirati Jazz) are the foremost exponents of the style.

Boisterous, bouncy bass-led guitar dance music (with the fast-jumping bass line contrasted against high-pitched guitar lines and upper-register falsetto voices), the benga beat is one of East Africa's most contagious. It's sparkling, zingy influence can be felt in the musical styles of many of Kenya's neighbouring countries. The Victoria Kings hail from Suna in the hills of South Nyanza towards the border with Tanzania. "The Mighty Kings Of Benga" features songs from the golden age of benga in the late '70s and early '80s. All were originally released as singles (by the band's own Oula Record Company) and all became African top sellers. This album brings the sound of benga from the shores of Lake Victoria to a living room near you.

Victoria Kings - Mighty Kings Of Benga
(192 kbps, front cover included)

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