Montag, 30. April 2018

Quilapayun - DT 64 Single (1975)

Quilapayún is a folk music group from Chile and among the longest lasting and most influential ambassadors of the Nueva Canción Chilena movement.

Formed in Chile during the mid-1960s, the group became inseparable with the revolution that occurred in the popular music of the country under the "Unitad Popular" ("Popular Unity") Government of Salvador Allende. Since its formation and during its forty-year history - both in Chile and during its lengthy period of exile in France - the group has seen modifications to its personnel lineup and the subject and content of its work.

The GDR label Amiga released this single in the "DT 64 Polit-Song" series. This series refers to the last "Deutschlandtreffen der Jugend für Frieden und Völkerfreundschaft" in the year 1964 in East-Berlin.

"Bourgeois society wants art to be another factor contributing to social alienation, we artists should transform it into a revolutionary weapon, until the contradiction that actually exists between art and society finally comes to pass. This surpassing is called revolution and its motor and fundamental agent is the working class. Our group, loyal to the ideals of Luis Emilio Recabarren, sees its work as a continuation of what has already been achieved by many other popular/folk artists. This side of the trenches has been occupied by artists whose names are forever linked to the revolutionary struggle of our people: the first Luis Emilio Recabarren, the latest: Violeta Parra and Pablo Neruda. The example they have given us is the light that guides us."
— Quilapayún (1969)

A: Quilapayun - Tio Caiman (Onkel Krokodil)
B: Quilapayun - El alma Ilena de banderas (Eine Seele voller Fahnen)

Quilapayun - DT 64 Single (1975)
(192 kbps, cover art included)

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