Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022

VA - La Nueva Canción Chilena (1972)

"La Nueva Canción Chilena" is a compilation album featuring various artist of the Nueva Canción Chilena movement, originally released in 1972 by the label DICAP ("Discoteca del Cantar Popular"). The compilation consists of songs performed by Violeta Parra, Victor Jara, Quilapayún, Isabel and Angel Parra (children of Violeta), Tiemponuevo and Inti-Illimani.

The Nueva canción ("new song") movement was originally developed in Latin America during the 1960s. It has been associated with the rise of leftist social movements in this region and influenced by historical events such as the Cuban Revolution. Lyrically, nueva canción artists gave special attention to politically-charged messages that had a strong relationship with these series of events, while musically, it strove for a renewal of traditional Latin and South American Folk Music expressions (such as Andean Folk Music).

Chile has been commonly named as the birthplace of nueva canción, with artists such as Inti-Illimani, Víctor Jara, Violeta Parra, and Quilapayún leading the movement during the 1960s. The success of nueva canción in Chile helped propagating the movement to other Latin American countries, such as Argentina (where it was known as nuevo cancionero and was notoriously represented by Mercedes Sosa), Uruguay (led by artists such as Alfredo Zitarrosa and Daniel Viglietti) and Cuba (known as Nueva trova and including artists such as Silvio Rodríguez, Pablo Milanés and Noel Nicola) among other South and Central American countries, as well as spreading to Spain.

The Latin American nueva canción trend, along with its popular acclaim in the region, saw a notable decline during the 1970s, with the rise to power of increasingly oppressive military juntas in Chile and Argentina, which would be responsible for the death or long-term forced exile of several musicians connected to the movement. Many nueva canción artists who took refuge for several years in other countries would nevertheless continue their work for the following decades, while doing so at a more diminished pace and relatively lower popular reception.                          

"La Nueva Canción Chilena constituye la expresión de la influendia Ideológica y Política de los sectores progresistas de la música popular (...) La Nueva Canción Chilena, como movimiento musical, nace vinculada a las expresiones folklóricas y es su tarea primordial la rehabilitación de los valores autóctonos de la cultura Latinoamericana, poniendo sus contenidos al servicio de la lucha popular..."
Juan Carvajal, Director Artístico / DICAP.
Santiago / Julio / 72.

01 - La carta - Violeta Parra
02 - Plegaria a un labrador - Víctor Jara
03 - ¿Qué dirá el Santo Padre? - Quilapayún
04 - Al centro de la injusticia - Isabel Parra
05 - La democracia - Angel Parra
06 - No nos moverán - Tiemponuevo
07 - Gracias a la vida - Isabel Parra
08 - Te recuerdo, Amanda - Víctor Jara
09 - Canción del Poder Popular - Inti-Illimani
10 - La muralla - Quilapayún
11 - Rin del angelito - Inti-Illimani
12 - Los pueblos americanos - Quilapayún

VA - La Neuva Cancion Chilena (1972)
(256 kbps, cover art included)

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