Donnerstag, 3. März 2016

Tom Liwa - Private Collection

Yesterday an old friend stopped by with a good bottle of wine, some sentimental stories about his long lost love and his private compilation of Tom Liwa tracks, solo and with his band "The Flowerpornoes".
By the time the bottle was empty he agreed in sharing his compilaton with you, so here it is...

Tom Liwa was the frontman of one of Germany’s most influential but less known rock bands in the Eighties and Nineties, the "Flowerpornoes". Or rather is, as there were some new Flowerpornoe albums in the last years, after a long break. In the meantime we had the opportunity to witness some Tom Liwa solo albums.

Tom Liwa live gigs are always very special evenings: He is bringing along a lot of charisma and dry humour to make the sometimes long breaks between the songs very entertaining and a good counterpoint to his mostly very melancholic songs.

Tom Liwa is a great songwriter whose solo material invites the audience absolutely into his very personal world of thinking and triggers a lot of reflections.
(192 kbps, cover art included)
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8 Kommentare:

  1. A belated thank you for this. I enjoyed it more than words can express and ordered two of his recordings from Amazon. This is exactly the kind of music I love both because of its excellence and its challenge for me to remember my German which has become passive since I graduated from college. I am especially grateful because unless one travels to Europe, it is difficult in the United States to keep apace with singers and bands in other languages. Liwa's music was a great discovery for me and I am moved by his translation and performance of one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite singers; Van Morrison's "Sweet Thing" from "Astral Weeks'.

    Thank you, too, for all of the Brecht. He remains one of my favorite dramatists and it is wonderful to hear recordings of his plays, songs, and poetry. Add Ewan McColl's music and I nearly have a cosmic out of body experience.. This blog is a treasure, offering moments of musical joy and discoveries to which I look forward every day.

  2. Thanks a lot for you very uplifting comment! And a very special thank you for the feedback about the Tom Liwa songs. I am listening to his music and his lyrics for a long time and i still enjoy it very much. His "Sweet Thing" translation is also one of my favorites. I think Tom Liwa would be very interested in your feedback, maybe i find an opportunity later this year - i am planning to visit some of his concerts - to tell him about your comment. I think there are not so much people outside of Germany listening to his music... All the best to you!

  3. By the way - which albums did you order? If you are interested, i could send you links with more Tom Liwa music. Greetings!

  4. Gruess Gott! I ordered and have been listening 'Komm Jupiter' and "Evolution Blues', as well as four songs I downloaded from his website. If you do speak with him please let him know that there is a least one Amerikaner, Boston-born and raised but now living near Washington, D. C., who thinks his music is excellent and loves his lyrics. Sadly he is neither played on radio nor tours here. He really captures Morrison's wistful spirit and joy in singing about being transformed by the love of a woman.

    I would welcome any music that you are willing to send. If you need my E-mail address, please let me know. Mit tiefer Dankbarkeit and go raibh mille maith agat, Feilimid

  5. Sorry to say that i hadn´t the chance to talk with Tom Liwa the last time he was playing live here in Berlin - but maybe there will be a chance the next time - he surely will be very astonished that someone like you, with your background, is interested in his music.

    Here´s a fresh link for this compilation. And i will post here in the comments some links to other Tom Liwa albums in the next days. All the best to you!

  6. here are three of my favourite Tom Liwa/Flowerpornoes albums:

    - Flowerpornoes - Mamas Pfirsiche (für schlechte Zeiten):
    - Tom Liwa - Stäffa CH XXX: - Tom Liwa - Voeding - XXVII:

    Best wishes!

  7. Vielen Dank für dieses fantastische Musik bietet wieder. Jetzt wird mein Wochenende wirklich groß sein! Many, many thanks for this re-post.

  8. I wish you a wonderful weekend! All the best!
