Dienstag, 8. März 2022

VA - Stimmen des 20. Jahrhunderts - 1933 - Der Weg in die Katastrophe

Originally posted in July 2018:
It happened 74 years ago: The attempt on Hitler’s life on 20 July 1944, was the seventeenth known occasion that someone had tried to kill the NS-dictator Adolf Hitler.
Unlike other attempts however this, the 20 July Bomb Plot, was the most intricate, and involved plans for a new Germany following the successful accomplishment of the mission.

"On this day in 1944, Hitler cheats death as a bomb planted in a briefcase goes off, but fails to kill him.

High German officials had made up their minds that Hitler must die. He was leading Germany in a suicidal war on two fronts, and assassination was the only way to stop him. A coup d'etat would follow, and a new government in Berlin would save Germany from complete destruction at the hands of the Allies. That was the plan. This was the reality: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, chief of the army reserve, had been given the task of planting a bomb during a conference that was to be held at Berchtesgaden, but was later moved to Hitler's "Wolf's Lair", a command post at Rastenburg, Prussia. Stauffenberg planted the explosive in a briefcase, which he placed under a table, then left quickly. Hitler was studying a map of the Eastern front as Colonel Heinz Brandt, trying to get a better look at the map, moved the briefcase out of place, farther away from where the Fuhrer was standing. At 12:42 p.m. the bomb went off. When the smoke cleared, Hitler was wounded, charred, and even suffered the temporary paralysis of one arm - but he was very much alive. (He was even well enough to keep an appointment with Benito Mussolini that very afternoon. He gave Il Duce a tour of the bomb site.) Four others present died from their wounds.

As the bomb went off, Stauffenberg was making his way to Berlin to carry out Operation Valkyrie, the overthrow of the central government. In Berlin, he and co-conspirator General Olbricht arrested the commander of the reserve army, General Fromm, and began issuing orders for the commandeering of various government buildings. And then the news came through from Herman Goering - Hitler was alive. Fromm, released from custody under the assumption he would nevertheless join the effort to throw Hitler out of office, turned on the conspirators. Stauffenberg and Olbricht were shot that same day. Once Hitler figured out the extent of the conspiracy (it reached all the way to occupied French), he began the systematic liquidation of his enemies. More than 7,000 Germans would be arrested (including evangelical pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer), and up to 5,000 would wind up dead—either executed or as suicides. Hitler, Himmler, and Goering took an even firmer grip on Germany and its war machine. Hitler became convinced that fate had spared him—"I regard this as a confirmation of the task imposed upon me by Providence"—and that "nothing is going to happen to me... [T]he great cause which I serve will be brought through its present perils and...everything can be brought to a good end." - http://www.history.com

Remembering this event, we feature a co-production of the "Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin" and the "Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv" with audio documents from the year 1933: The year Adolf Hitler became dictator of Nazi Germany which lead to the catastrophe of the Second World War and the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a deliberate and systematic extermination of European Jews during World War II. As the Allied Powers fought Nazi Germany's domination of Europe, Adolf Hitler's henchmen were carrying out a mass annihilation of the Jews in Europe at their numerous concentration camps. The total number of Jews murdered during this genocide has been estimated to be nearly 6 million. Besides European Jews, there were many other groups targeted for destruction. They included the handicapped, mentally ill, Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals and political dissidents.


0115.01.1933Ansprache von Reichskanzler Kurt von Schleicher auf einer Kundgebung des Deutschen Reichskriegerbundes 3'17"
0230.01.1933Reportage vom Fackelzug der SA- und der Stahlhelmformationen vor der Berliner Reichskanzlei3'18"
0304.03.1933Amtseinführung des amerikanischen Präsideten Franklin D. Roosevelt 2'34"
0421.03.1933Reportage vom "Tag der Nation" in Potsdam 4'50"

23.03.1933Reichstagssitzung: Verabschiedung des "Ermächtigungsgesetzes"
05Reichstagspräsident Hermann Göring 1'51"
06Adolf Hitler: Regierungserklärung 3'16"
07Otto Wels (SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzender) 2'38"
08Adolf Hitler: Erwiderung auf die Rede von Otto Wels3'40"
0901.04.1933Aufruf zum Boykott jüdischer Geschäfte: Sprechchöre; Joesph Goebbels (Reichspropagandaminister)1'04"
1005.04.1933Reportage von einer Polizeiaktion im Berliner Scheunenviertel3'52"
1110.05.1933Reportage von der Bücherverbrennung auf dem Berliner Opernplatz 2'15"
121933Werbung für Kienzle-Uhren: "Deutsch ist die Uhr, deutsch ist der Klang"3'50"
1311.09.1933Kundgebung der Vaterländischen Front in Wien mit Bundeskanzler Engelbert Dollfuß 3'22"
1420.09.1933Rundfunkansprache von Ernst Röhm, Stabschef der SA1'06"
1530.09.1933Reportage aus dem Konzentrationslager Oranienburg (bei Berlin)4'10"
1630.09.1933Ansprache von Reichsjustizkommisar Hans Frank in Leipzig auf einer Tagung des Nationalsozialistischen Juristenbundes3'05"
1711.11 1933Aufruf von Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg zur Volksabstimmung am 12. November 19331'36"
1815.11.1933Ansprache von Reichspropagandaminster Joseph Goebbels anlässlich der Eröffnung der Reichskulturkammer in der Berliner Philharmonie 3'43"
1916.11.1933Kommentar von Radio Wien zur Volksabstimmung in Deutschland am 12. November 19331'42"
2019.11.1933Ansprache von Theodor Adrian von Renteln, Präsident des DIHT, auf einer Tagung des Reichsstandes des deutschen Handels in Braunschweig2'32"
2112.12.1933Reportage von der Eröffnung des Reichstages in der Berliner Krolloper1'58"
2216.12.1933Leipziger Reichstagsbrandprozess: Schlusswort des Angeklagten Georgi Dimitroff
(mit Einsprüchen von Senatspräsident Wilhelm Bünger)
2320.12.1933Ansprache von Reichssendeleiter Eugen Hadamovsky anlässlich der Eröffnung der drei Großsender Berlin, München und Stuttgart2'12"
241933"Ein Reich ist uns entstanden". Ein Hörbild von Kurt Klawitter3'25"

VA - Stimmen des 20. Jahrhunderts - 1933 - Der Weg in die Katastrophe
(256 kbps, front cover included)

10 Kommentare:

  1. thanks a lot for this important document, zero - what a horrible time that was...

  2. "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it..." Greetings and thanks for your feedback!

  3. well, the ones who learn history are nonetheless doomed to repeat it, in many cases - more consciously though.

    another quote, here from 'the residents':
    "ignorance of your culture is not considered cool!"


  4. Thanks for the Residents, i really appreciate their work!

  5. ... und die Nazi-Braut Zschäpe fühlt sich zu dieser gruseligen Mörder-Brut hingezogen und möchte ihre Pflicht-Verteidiger ausgetauscht haben. Der oberste Nazi-Richter Freisler hätte uns ganz bestimmt auch jeden Wunsch erfüllt!!! Ich bin fassungslos, daß solche Leute nie Mensch werden. In diesem Sinne, wie Jürgen von Manger schon sagte: "Bleibense Mensch!"

  6. Ja, damit wäre schon so einiges gewonnen! Greetings!

  7. I am always so moved to hear these historic recordings that you occasionally present. Like these recordings, the series of music from the concentration camps was profoundly haunting. One gets chills from hearing the voices from that era.

    My father served in the reconstruction of England and Germany after the second world war. He was too young to serve during the war. While serving in Germany, he was haunted by the war, the destruction he wtnessed afterwards, and, in particular, the inherent incongruity between the evils that occurred during Hitler's regime and the hospitality and kindness of the German people that he experienced daily. He loved Germany, learned the language, and believed that no country. including ours, was immune from the appeal of fascism or any other ideology that was equally despicable in its treatment of minorities or political dissidents. When I was a child, I remember that he read every book he could find to try to understand what caused Germans or any people to support or begrudgingly accept inhumane acts committed in their name by their government.

    My father's brother was captured during the Battle of the Bulge. He never spoke about it until the 1980s. In 1984, I had given my father Stud Terkel's "The Good War" as a gift for Thanksgiving. My father was so profoundly moved by Terkel's uncensored interviews with American, German, and Japanese veterans of the second world war that he gave the book to his brother to read. That Christmas, I asked my uncle what he thought of the book and he thought it truly captured the war as it was from his perspective. I then asked him what he had experienced as a prisoner of war; in particular, were his German captors cruel at that point in the war when the eventuality of defeat became so apparent. For the first time, he discussed his experience as a prisoner by responding, "No, they were just young kids serving their country as I was serving mine. We never had enough food, but neither had they. so we were in the same condition. We were not abused. They suffered under the same conditions that we did."

  8. I was surprised by my uncle's equanimity when recalling his incarceration and contrasted it with the stereotypes we learned as post-war kids from comic books and war films; those books and films stereotyped most Germans as cruel, machine-like Nazis and most Japanese as brainwashed, savage orientals who were nearly subhuman.

    When I studied history during college, we learned about the efforts by some Germans, such as Sophie Scholl and the White Rose movement, to resist in Germany, the ambivalence many Japanese felt about the war, the incarceration of Japanese-Americans in U. S. internment camps, the bombing of Dresden, Hamburg, and other cities, and the reluctance of our government to bomb the railway tracks to certain concentration camps and accept Jewish refugees. As a teenager, I watched with disgust as some here tried to rationalize the slaughter at My Lai in a war in which my twenty-year old cousin lost his life, and the illegal invasion and mass bombing of Laos and Cambodia.

    As uoung adults, my friends and I witnessed the military coup and subsequent events in Chile, U. S. support of the Shah of Iran when he was ordering troops to attack peaceful demonstrators and students, invasion of Iraq, horror of Abu Ghraib, and other diplomatic and military blunders and wrongs by our government in our name. Under the current "regime",we have now witnessed the incarceration in internment camps of asylum seekers and their children, and the demonization of political opponents, the press, undocumented and documented immigrants, and people of color as the "other".

    To be clear, I am not asserting a false equivalency withthe above actions and the systemic genocide against the Jews and Roma and other horrors of the Reich, but I am very weary of the white-washing of our history that argues that the horrors that occurred in Germany were singular and could never ever happen here even as we witness the institutions of government attacked almost daily by our current leader.

    Instead of asserting that the mass deaths committed by the Third Reich, Stalin, and Mao were unique to the cultures and peculiar characteristics of those countries' respective populations, these recordings reinforce that in my country we need to stop mindlessly chanting U. S. A., supporting jingoism and belligerence towards our allies, and believing in American exceptionalism. Just during the brief period of my lifetime, the United States has always been at war or supported proxy war, undermined its narcissistic claim of "exceptionalism", and demonstrated many of the characteristics of Germany during the 1920s and early 1930s that evolved from extreme ethnonationalism and contention of white "Aryan" supremacy, to the mass crimes against humanity of the Third Reich. As Sophie Scholl said prior to her execution in 1943, "How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause?" I reflect on that quote whenever I see the inaction of the majority of our elected representatives to condemn the incivility, divisiveness, and extremism of our current regime.

    Today we witness the revival of fascism, jingoism, and reactionary extremism in the United States and Europe and are compelled to recall the words of George Santayana: Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Sorry to get carried away, I'm stepping down of my soap box now, but these historical recordings always cause me to reflect on that time and its relevance to the era in which I am currently living. Thanks again for posting them.

  9. Dear sir, your content collection is cherished. And greatly appreciated.
    May it be possible to restore this historical document?

  10. Now there´s a fresh link. Best wishes!
