Donnerstag, 20. April 2023

VA - Vorwärts und nicht vergessen - Musik der Arbeiterbewegung in Dokumentaraufnahme - To remember Inge Lammel!

Originally posted on July, 30 2015:
Today was the funeral ceremony for Inge Lammel. We lost an engaged and politically conscious friend, always active against racism and fasicsm. Fortunatelly I had the chance to meet Inge Lammel in the last years at several occassions. Once, we talked about this blog and finally she gave me a book about Woody Guthrie as a present. Thanks a lot for all your great work, Inge, and may you rest in peace!
Inge Lammel (born May 8, 1924 in Berlin as Inge Rackwitz ; died July 2,  2015 in Berlin) was a German musicologist, focused on the history and tradition of political music, especially on working-class songs, songs of the resistance movments against the nazis and songs in the concentration camps.

Inge Lammel came to England in 1939 on a "Kindertransport". Contrary to most ‘transports’, associated with Jews and World War II, these children ‘transports’ started before the war broke. They were mainly from Nazi-occupied Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia in the direction of free Britain. They included only kids, without their parents, but with their parents’ consent for their one-way voyage on their own. Many of those 10,000 Jewish children (‘kinder’ in German) were the only survivors of their family.

She settled to the DDR in the fall of 1947, wishing to help rebuild a democratic Germany. She has since lived in Berlin-Pankow. A massive bibliography of German working-class songs was assembled by a collective under the leadership of Inge Lammel at the "Akademie der Künste". Inge Lammel founded the "Arbeiterlied-Archiv" at the "Akademie" and headed it from 1954 to 1985. During this time there were several compilations with working-class songs published in the GDR. She also co-founded the "Bund der Antifaschisten" in Berlin-Pankow.

At the fourth Burg Waldeck Festival in 1967, the GDR was "officially" represented in the form of the Brecht singer Hermann Hähnel and by Ingel Lammel and Erna Berger from the "Arbeiterlieder-Archiv". They presented a workshop on Wolfgang Steinitz´s research on the German democratic folk song.

In 2012 Inge Lammel was honoured for the stalwart work she has carried out for many years researching and writing about the local pre-war Jewish community – she has published several books – and for launching some 12 years ago the "Verein der Freunde und Förderer des ehemaligen Jüdisches Waisenhaus, Pankow". This association, which is run by a committee of Jews and non-Jews, has traced and remained in touch with men who lived in the orphanage before the war. Since 2001 the association, with the help of the Cajewitz Stiftung, has organised many reunions of former pupils and their partners. These reunions have done much to enable the former pupils to come to terms with their past, to reconnect with the new Germany and, in some cases, to regain their mother tongue.

One of the very instructive collections with working-class music published with the help of Ingel Lammel is "Vorwärts und nicht vergessen - Musik der Arbeiterbewegung in Dokumentaraufnahme", released in 1971 on ETERNA. Comes in gatefold cover with booklet, containing texts and photographs, the linernotes are by Inge Lammel.

1.Hanns EislerDie Fabriken
2.Berliner Schubert ChorRotgardistenmarsch
3.Erwin PiscatorTrotz alledem
4.Arbeiter Schalmei KapelleBüxensteinlied
5.Rote RaketenRote Raketenmarsch
6.Erich WeinertGesang der Latscher
7.Rote RaketenGaslied
8.Gesangverein Typographia          Wann wir schreiten
9.Rote RaketenNiggersong
10.Hanns EislerSolidaritätslied
11.Erich WeinertDer rote Feuerwehrmann
12.Das Rote SprachrohrDas rote Fahne Lied
13.Die StürmerRote Matrosen
14.Hanns EislerDer rote Wedding
15.Hanns EislerGustav Kulkes seliges Ende
16.Das Rote SprachrohrDas Komsomolzenlied
17.Erich WeinertDer heimliche Aufmarsch gegen die Sowjetunion

VA - Vorwärts und nicht vergessen - Musik der Arbeiterbewegung in Dokumentaraufnahme
(192 kbps, cover art & booklet included)

6 Kommentare:

  1. That's the real stuff - reminds me of the good ole times back in the 70s when even "the squares" could be found on some events - however the current "Generation Stupid" wont give a hoot -Thx for your efforts m8 - Rot Front :-)

  2. Johannes R. Becher1. August 2015 um 00:11

    Genial, dass ihr die Broschüre gescannt habt. Da die allgemeine Qualität der Tonaufnahme nicht besonders gut ist, wird das Geniessen dank der Liedtexten und Noten viel leichter.

  3. Glad that you are interested in that kind of music! Greetings!
