Sonntag, 19. Juni 2016

Trinity - African Revolution

The early 1970s produced a strain of Jamaican music called "DJ Toasting" that would eventually influence the course of hip-hop and Dancehall.

DJ's working for top producers would spin the latest hits on traveling sound systems, hosting parties for weekend revelers, and spicing the music with their "toasts": boastful commentaries, chants and half-sung rhymes.

Artists such as Big Youth and U-Roy would play a popular reggae hit with the lead vocals removed, and create their own version filled with fiery wit, melodic poetry and a rhythmic style.

Some of the best albums to come out of this era were Doctor Alimintado's Lee Perry-produced classic "Best Dressed Chicken in Town" and Big Youth's "Screaming Target".

ImageTrinity (born Wade Brammer, 1954, Kingston) worked as a DJ on several local sound systems. He made his recording deubt in March 1976 with "Set Up Yourself" for Joe Joe Hookim. Heavily influenced by Big Youth, he developed a strong and entertaining style of his own -with an edge that helped spark the Dancehall revolution.

A1African Revolution
A2Turn Yu Roll
A3Staff Of Live
A4Not The Worst
A5Tan Tudy
B1Righteous Rock
B2Judgement Day
B3Hard Time Reggae
B4A Nuh So
B5Rain A Fall

Trinity - African Revolution
(192 kbps, cover art included)

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