Sonntag, 12. Januar 2020

Georg Kreisler - Lieder zum Fürchten (1963)

The name of Georg Kreisler is not much known in English-speaking countries, but his death in 2011 occasioned considerable notice in his native Austria. Of Jewish background, Kreisler fled Vienna in 1938 for the U.S., where he served in the army fighting his former homeland.

He wrote songs in English, for example "Please, Shoot Your Wife". That song was rejected by American publishers, however, and Kreisler returned to Europe and eventually to Vienna. He has been compared to Tom Lehrer, and indeed several of his songs, notably "Tauben vergiften im Park" ("Poisoning Pigeons in the Park") are close enough to Lehrer's to have inspired charges (and counter-charges) of plagiarism.

Actually his range was greater than Lehrer's, and he was more prolific, even if he lacked the deadly satirical accuracy


A1Als der Zirkus in Flammen stand
A2Der Paule
A3Dreh das Fernsehn ab
A4Der Ausländer
B1Und da lag sie in ihrem Blute
B3Die Augen von meiner Maschine
B4Die Angst
B5In der Nacht
B6Mach's dir bequem, Lotte

Georg Kreisler - Lieder zum Fürchten (1963)
(192 kbps, cover art included)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Cool! Besten Dank. Many thanks. Georg Kreisler from Austria is one of the greatest and most inventive piano players and cabaretists!
