Donnerstag, 10. August 2023

Bertolt Brecht - Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1947)

"I have written a number of poems, songs, and plays, in the fight against Hitler, and, of course, they can be considered, therefore, as revolutionary, cause, I, of course, was for the overthrow, of that government."

Bertolt Brecht, at the HUAC, 30. Oktober 1947
A historical document, presented by Eric Bentley: Like Gerhart and Hanns Eisler, also Bertolt Brecht had to answer the questions of the Members of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA), that was built to opress communist tendencies, which apparently infiltred the american society. After the Second World War and in aftermath of the first big wave of pursuit against communists, the HUAC get propagandistic importance and prepared some legal proceedings against communist expatriates. Hereafter we offer the recording of the interrogation of Bertolt Brecht in octobre 1947. The listeners get an impression of Bertolt Brechts bad, but self-confident spoken English (the exile-friends of Brecht laugh about and learned to like that pronunciation) and also of the trick of Brecht’s answers. The most interesting and surely absurd part of the questioning begins, when Brecht and the questioners quarrel about the interpretation of Brecht’s play »Die Maßnahme« (The Decision). The original recordings are introduced and commented by Eric Bentley. An important and interesting document of communist and anti-communist history.
The liner notes include an introduction by Bentley and complete transcript of the recording.

(128 kbps, cover included)

8 Kommentare:

  1. Danke. Das ist eine gute Ergänzung zu der Dokufiktion aus Arte/ARD.

  2. hi, I get this message when trying to download: 403 Forbidden
    Does anyone know how to solve this? All the best, Nick

  3. @Nick-I was able to download ftom zippy. AD-blocker active should be a problem. If you try from UK please be aware of country-based restrictions of zippy. Please think of VPN for browsers. Try another browser e.g. Firefox portable or Chrome portable. Good luck

  4. Thanks for this. Have a cigar! J
    PS Nick got this here in Liverpool via Jailbreak VPN - so I'm in L.A. it seems. BB may have approved? Regards.

  5. What a fantastic historical document this is. Thank you so much comrade. Nig hugs, Nigel

  6. extraordinary, very much appreciated...
    Emilio Marengo
