Freitag, 9. Oktober 2020

VA - Sound Of Revolution

The fall of the Iron Curtain thirty years ago was a unique event raising strong emotions all across Europe. What better way of recapturing the exceptional spirit of change that was in the air during these weeks than through the hymns that inspired the people tearing down the walls with their protests?

These hymns, brought together on this album, are the songs of workers´ movements, national anthems that were rediscoverd with a renewed meaning of self-determination and freedom, or simple pop songs which in their subtle wording expressed the spirit of protest felt by the people in the streets.

01. Herbst In Peking • Bakschischrepublik / Baksheesh republic
02. Kiril Marichkov • Az sum prosto chovek / I am just a human being
03. Ivan Hoffman • Slubili sme si lasku / We promised love to each other
04. Marta Kubisova • Modlitba pro Martu / Prayer for Martha
05. Janos Brody • Ha en rozsa volnek / If I were a rose
06. Desteapta-te, romane! / Wake up, Romanian!
07. Tonis Mägi • Koit/Dawn
08. Europa Kiado • Szavazz ram! / Vote for me!
09. Viktors Zemgals, Zilvinas Bubelis, Tarmo Pihlap • Atmostas Baltija / Wake up, Baltic countries
10. Vassil Naidenov, Villy Kavaldjiev, Georgi Mintchev, Bogdana Karadocheva, Margarita Hranova, Rositza Kirilova • Vremeto e nashe - 45 godini stigat / The time is ours - 45 years are enough
11. Zoran Predin • Zdravljica / A Toast
12. Hora unirii / Dance of unity
13. Jacek Kaczmarski • Mury/ Walls
14. leva Akuratere • Manai tautai / To my people
15. Jaroslav Hutka • Havlicku, Havle / Dear Havlicek, Dear Havel
16. Silly • S.O.S
17. Livi • Dzimta valoda / Mother tongue
18. Jaroslav Filip, Milan Lasica, Julius Satinsky • Do batozka / Load a backpack
19. Jurga & Eurika Masyte • Laisve / Freedom
20. Krystyna Janda • Ballade o Janku Wisniewski / The ballad of Janek Wisniewski

VA - Sound Of Revolution
(320 kbps, cover art included)

5 Kommentare:

  1. The link is still active - you need a VPN channel.

  2. I guess it's time to reload this...

  3. The Iron Curtain is down, but Imperialism is still up. And, worst of all, far right parties are commanding some of the ancient communist countries. What's to sing?

  4. "Da stand auf einem Transparent `Wir sind das Volk´, und daneben hat einer geschrieben `Ich bin Volker´. Den Mann, der das geschrieben hat, den brauchen wir in der nächsten Zeit. Es geht um die Stärkung dieser
    Kräfte." - Heiner Müller

    Thanks for your thoughts. I think there are two sides of the same coin: The end of Stalinism is a reason to sing. The ongoing capitalistic system is destructive and unsustainable. It needs to be replaced.

    Some more thoughts on this topic:
