Mittwoch, 9. September 2020

Barbara Dane & the Chambers Brothers - Same (1966)

It must have seemed strange to some fans during the folk era (late '50s to the mid-'60s) that soulful singers like the Chambers Brothers could get by with using electric guitars even before Dylan brought one to Newport in 1965. Acoustic guitars, however, pretty much faded into the background when a powerful vocal group like the Chambers Brothers cut loose, and this was also true of any singer with a deep, resonate voice like Barbara Dane.

The joining of Dane and the Chambers Brothers in 1966 as the revival was fading from sight was an inspired pairing. Dane's a gutsy vocalist, and the addition of a backing vocal group, keyboards, and tasteful guitar work ripens her presentation to a new fullness. This is immediately obvious on both the album's opener, "It Isn't Nice," and its follow-up, "You've Got to Reap What You Sow." Both songs are deeply anchored to the civil rights movement, and while a few references to current politicians date the material, the power of the music is undeniable. With Dane's voice pouring out of the left speaker and the soulful harmony of the Chambers Brothers pouring out of the right speaker, the music blends, builds, and finally expresses both spiritual breadth and depth. Listening to "You Can't Make It By Yourself," one hears how Dane's voice benefits from lots of cushioning, of how her compatriots allow her a safe place from which to launch her vocals. Certain pieces like "Pack Up Your Sorrows" work less well, mostly because the quick timing works against both artists' strengths. Overall, though, "Barbara Dane & the Chambers Brothers" is a wonderful album that surpasses its historical status by offering a lovely blend of good songs, spare arrangements, and superb singing.

The simple arrangements prominently feature Barbara Dane’s strong voice backed by the warm harmonies of the Chamber’s Brothers with only light accompaniment by acoustic and electric guitars, occasional harmonica, and some hand percussion. It is that simplicity which is the strength of the album. It allows the songs to truly speak for themselves and the singers to focus their emotions about the struggles and the events taking place around them into dynamic vocal performances.

The track “It Isn’t Nice” that opens the album is such a gorgeous song about such ugly events in our nation’s history. The tune was originally written and performed by Malvina Reynolds but Barbara Dane added and adjusted some of the lyrics to make the song’s message even more biting. When Barbara sings “They murdered folks in Alabama / they shot Medgar in the back” it makes me cry every time.

Barbara Dane and the Chambers Brothers managed to capture the spirit of a movement on this record. The album is a true artistic gem of the civil rights struggle that stands strong like an oak tree against time.

These songs, mostly civil rights era anthems, were powerful and very contemporary when they were first recorded in 1965. Four decades later, they serve to remind us that freedom is a constant struggle.

Barbara Dane And The Chambers Brothers - Same (1966)
(256 kbps, cover art included)

With special greetings to Feilimid O'Broin - thanks a lot for your very nice comment! Hope you enjoy the Chambers Brothers alongside Barbara Dane.

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