Samstag, 3. Oktober 2020

VA - Hasta Siempre Commandante - 30 Anos Después (1997)

Ernesto Guevara, better known as "Che", was born on May 14th 1928 in the town of Rosario, on the Paraná river in the southern part of Santa Fé province in Argentina. He was the eldest of four children and at the age of tw developed the asthma that would plague him for the rest of his life.

Ever since his early involvement with Castro, Che had wanted the freedom to go elsewhere in the Americas, once the revolution succeeded, to fight for freedom and spread the revolutionary message. In 1965 he gave up his government posts and travelled to the Congo (today Zaire) and fought with the soldiers who had been led by the murdered independence leader Patrice Lumumba. Returnig after 6 months, he then went to Bolivia to begin guerrilla activity there. He reamined there for 11 months until his capture (October 8 th 1967) and execution (shortly afterwards) by the Boivian army.

The titles on this halbum have been recorded between 1967 and 1996.


Fidel Castro - Letter Of Che To Fidel 1:15
Grupo 5U4 - Hasta Siempre Comandante 3:23
Santiago Feliú - Ayer Y Hoy Enamorados 4:17
Elena Burke - Canción Al Guerrillero Heroico 2:41
Carlos Puebla - Que Pare El Son 2:17
Carlos Puebla - Un Hombre 3:33
Carlos Puebla - Lo Eterno 2:27
Cacique Paraguayo - Che Comandante 3:08
Grupo Tabacalera - Comandante Che Guevara 1:09
Grupo Alma Mater - Che Guevara 3:42
Quinteto Rebelde - Respeto Al Che Guevara 2:35
Coro Polifonico - Canción Fúnebre Al Che G. 2:35
Sara González - Su Nombre Es Pueblo 4:38
Amaury Pérez - Andes Lo Que Andes 3:31
Fidel Castro - Letter Of Che To Fidel 4:25

6 Kommentare:

zero hat gesagt…

Hi, i added your blog to the zero g bloglist. Best wishes!

zero hat gesagt…

Thanks & all the best!

Earthbound hat gesagt…

What's next? Abschiedsführer - 50 Jahre später?

Ice Garmendia hat gesagt…

Un asesino. Si no pensabas como él, te asesinaba, así de simple.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Vielen Dank für die faszinierenden Raritäten!
Just wanted to add: 'Che' was and still is an idol for many freedom parties and his popularity has long turned into a kind of pop-culture idol, but this is ignoring the facts - that Guevarra's intentions and actions were those of a murderous monster and he would today certainly be considered a terrorist. However media needed a fitting face to the anti-capitalism-revolutionists, and Fidel and others couldn't really compete with their looks, or rather they were already in doubt because of their deeds.

zero hat gesagt…

Don´t think that it is really as simple as that.

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