Donnerstag, 1. August 2024

V/A - Beat Jazz - Pictures From The Gone World Volume 2

So here´s volume 2 of this great collection of 50s/60s beat and jazz cuts, of songs and poetry.

This album was released on Pesky Serpent records with 16 rare and obscure tracks featuring beat poetry, be-bop and hip beat-jazz. Invokes the atmosphere of a smokey underground club from the late '50s/early '60s making this one of thee coooolest comps you'll ever hear!
Artists include Buddy Collette, Kenyon Hopkins, Amus Moore, Wardell Gray, Young Tiger, Babs Gonzales, Muhamed Habeebalah, Ernie Andrews, Oscar Moore, Early Zell, Katie Lee, Johnny Lewis Trio + Millie, Bing Day, Maxwell H. Brock, Joya Sherril, and Mel Henke.

Beat Jazz - Pictures From The Gone World Volume 2
(256 kbps, front & back cover included)

10 Kommentare:

zero hat gesagt…

You will find volume 1 here:

Feilimid O'Broin hat gesagt…

Thank you for posting both volumes of this remarkable collection. My friends and I were finally old enough, as very young teenagers, to discover Kerouac, Ginsberg, Di Prima, Ferlinghetti, Corso, and other Beats a year after Kerouac died. A copy of "On The Road", "Dharma Bums", "Gasoline", "A Coney Island of The Mind", "Pictures of The Gone World", or any other book authored by a Beat writer were most likely to be found in our hip pockets as we hitch-hiked to music festivals around our region and to each others' homes in different towns.

We would skim the required reading for our high school literature courses, so we could use the remaining time to read the Beats, listen to Firesign Theater, and the Fugs. All of these years later I still read and re-read the Beats and can say that they have been significant in forming my understanding of the culture and nation in which I live.

As an adult, I and a former girlfriend made a pilgrimage up the highway to the wonderful Jack Kerouac memorial before attending a folk festival in Lowell. I visited Ferlinghetti's City Lights bookstore and North Beach when on a business trip to San Fransisco and saw and listened to Ginsberg and Orlovsky read at Club Passim in Cambridge in the late 1980s. In this new century, I find that the Beats are still important to me almost five decades after I discovered them. Their writings and poetry have weathered the attacks directed against them by literary critics and, in particular, the attacks from the Right and cultural conservatives.

I still have decades-old friendships, including with that former girlfiend, that began with a shared deep love of the Beats' works. Of course, we loathed and mourned Kerouac's devolution into an anti-Semitic, reactionary drunk dependent on his mother before and after his marriages failed, and his lengthy ludicrous and cruel denial of his paternity of his daughter Jan. Instead, we focused on his writings and the dreams of his younger days. Similarly, we remembered Amiri Baraka as LeRoi Jones; that is, before he overtly embraced anti-Semitism, homophobia, and misogyny and the use of violence against Jews, gays, and women, and espoused a reactionary form of black nationalism.

We wondered aloud why Kerouac, Jones, and others seemed to exhaust their promise and embrace reactionary views. The times were such that many whom we admired from that time would change for the worse over the ensuing years. Then again, I still remember when Eldridge Cleaver endorsed Ronald Reagan for president. I suppose developing a more jaundiced view of such changes and reocgnizing the imperfections, corruption, and decline of those whom one admires are part of maturing.

This music takes me back to earlier times and reminds me of how vital and creative the Beats were. I can think of no literary and arts movement since their heyday and the subsequent decade that was able to reach people like us, working class and poor kids who loved to read, and informed us of alternatives to the devotion to materialism and conformity with which we were inculcated by our education system, as well as the ability, necessity, and transformative power of our making choices for other roads than those to which we were being directed to travel by the well-meaning adults in our lives.

Fortunately Ferlinghetti endures at the remarkable age of 96 as witness to that time and the succeeding years. Surprisingly, his poetry was part of our junior high and high school curricula and prompted us to seek out Corso, Ginsberg, Di Prima, Snyder, and others. I hope that this music prompts others to seek more of it and, equally important, to read the Beat canon. It still inspires!!!

zero hat gesagt…

Thanks again for sharing your memories and your thoughts with us. I got in touch with the Beat literature in the 1980s and was lucky to learn that north amererican culture was and is always more than materialism, conservatism and Ronald Reagan.
I really appreciate your thoughts about the change of many beat authors - and, sadly, so many others in the last decades - towards reactionary views.

All the best!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Bonjour !
could you please re-upload this wonderful compilation,
I realized that I have lost it with my regretted computer,
thank you et bravo dans tous les cas pour votre blog,
à bientôt,
Clara .

Anonym hat gesagt…

Thank you, thank you... had not encountered Vol 2.

zero hat gesagt…

Hope you enjoy both volumes. Best wishes!

Playitagainmax hat gesagt…

I never knew there was a 2nd volume of this comp. I have vol. 1 & have enjoyed it a lot. Any chance of getting this reposted?

zero hat gesagt…

Now there´s a fresh link. Hope you enjoy Vol. 2!

Playitagainmax hat gesagt…

Viele danke

zero hat gesagt…

You are welcome!

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