Samstag, 26. September 2020

VA - 14. Festival des politischen Liedes (1984, Amiga)

Singer-songwriters from arount the world met each other at regular events such as the East Berlin "Festival des politischen Liedes", the "Fete de la Humanité" in Paris, the Italian "Festa de L´Unita" and the Chilean "Festival de al Cancion Comprometida". 

It is important to note that, in the late 1960s and 1970s, international music festivals were not only forums for musical exchange, they also served as plattforms for the development and reconfirmation of socio-political ideas and values; and sometimes, aesthetic questions were entirely overruled by socio-political concerns.


A1 –Oktoberklub - Unter einem Hut
A2 –Shanna Bitschewskaja -  Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind
A3 –Mercedes Sosa - Ventanita De Laurel (Das Lorbeerfensterchen) 
A4 - Utamaduni - Chuo cha sanaa (Die Kunsthochschule)
A5 –Zupfgeigenhansel - Miteinander
A6 –Kaláka - Lakodalmas Népdazok (Ungarische Hochzeitsvolkstänze)
A7 –Wacholder - Wenn ich einmal der Herrgott wär
B1 –Hannes Wader - Gut wieder hier zu sein
B2 –Yolocamba-I-Ta - Los Vientos De Octubre (Oktoberstürme)
B3 –Gerhard Schöne - Erinnerung
B4 –Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung - Total verunsichert 
B5 –Jackson Kaujeua - Independence Or Death - We Shall Win
B6 –Sérgio Godinho - Chula
B7 –Dingle Spike - From clare To Here

VA - 14. Festival des politischen Liedes (1984, Amiga)
(320 kbps, cover art included)

2 Kommentare:

Monkey D. Sound hat gesagt…

Haven't listened yet, but i know i can already drop my thanks!!

zero hat gesagt…

Always welcome! Three more volumes are in the pipeline... Stay safe!

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