The Jews that came to Vienna settled in the second district Leopoldstadt. Leopoldstadt was a kind of voluntary ghetto. The Jews came, with a strong intention to make it in this new and often hostile world and with an extraordinary talent to entertain. The ability to grasp the character of an environment and to turn it into humour and satire, in away that always remained charming and friendly, was their special talent, unrivalled by anyone. "Today we´ll go to see the Jews", was a common phrase. "Jewish humorists" were a kind of trademark of Vienna at the beginning of the 20ieth century. The "Budapester Orpheums-Gesellschaft" and the theaters "die Hölle" and "Max und Moritz" were celbrated temples of good entertainment, and produced artist, that today can only be called legendary: Eisenbach, Grünbaum, Berg, Selim, Leopoldi, Massary, Engel, Werbezirk and Farkas.
This album is a documentary "monument" of the incredible work of these Jewish artists and shows: Someone who is loved so much by the pubblic, and can make his audience laugh and cry so much, must have come very close to the heart and soul of it.
1. Armin Berg: So dreht sich die Welt 3:11
2. Betja Milskaja & Hermann Leopoldi: Alois 2:40
3. Franz Engel: Man soll mit Pollacks nicht verkehren 3:04
4. Franz Engel: Erlebnis bei meinem Friseur 2:17
5. Karl Farkas: Ich hab eine Tante in Peking 3:20
6. Herman Leopoldi & Betja Milskaja: Frauen sind zum küssen da 3:09
7. Fritzi Massary: Ich bin eine Frau, die weiß was sie will 2:35
8. Armin Berg: Was braucht denn der Wiener um glücklich zu sein 3:10
9. Heinrich Eisenbach: Fiaker Hupferl beim Bezirksgericht 2:35
10. Godoscev und Celakowsky: Hausherrn-Söhnln 3:03
11. Franz Engel: Von was leben die Leut 3:09
12. Franziska Gaal: Die kleinen Mädchen mit dem treuen Blick 2:40
13. Fritz Grünbaum: Fritz Grünbaum erzählt von den Räubern 3:24
14: Josma Selim: Die billige Anette 2:55
15. Gisela Werbezirk: Ich habe "La Gasconne" gelesen 3:13
16: Armin Berg: Neue Trommelverse 2:49
17: Max Brod: Der Theaterausrufer 5:41
18: Leon Kalisch: Sommer bei Nacht 2:37
19: Jacques Rotter: Gut Gut Gut 2:29
20: Karl Kraus: Das Schoberlied 1:23
21: Josef Bauer: Umgebrungen 1:36
22: Josef Modl: Der lustige Strohwitwer 2:33
23: Franziska Gaal: Ach wie oft 2:09
24: Franz Engel & Fritz Wiesenthal: Hallo! Hier Radio Wien 6:16
25: Hermann Leopoldi: Landsleut 2:57
VA - Populäre jüdische Künstler - Wien - Musik & Entertainment 1903 - 1936
(256 kbps, cover art included)
2 Kommentare:
Ευχαριστώ πολύ. Καλή χρονιά.
Thanks a lot. All the best for you!
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