Until the 1960s, Anglo-American dance music is regarded in the GDR as valueless "Western Arts". As a Socialist alternative to the rock ' n' roll, 1959 even a private dance, the "Lipsi", is being developed. As a result of the cultural and political opening in 1963, many beat groups were formed and a GDR's own "Liedermacher" and singer-songwriter scene emerges.
The "Free German Youth" (FDJ) tried to instrumentalize this music movement. The FDJ organized "Deutschlandtreffen 1964" presented for the first time music in English language. In the context of poetry events of the FDJ, Manfred Krug and Wolf Biermann present critical lyrics. In 1965 the SED gave order to dismiss a guitar competition organized by the FDJ. After the end of the political thaw period, the FDJ tried to integrate the singer-songwriter and the beat groups in the FDJ and SED influenced "Singebewegung"
The GDR radio programm "Jugendsender DT 64" organised between September, 24 and October, 1, 1967 in Hally the "1. Werkstattwoche der FDJ-Singeclubs". This albums features recordings from this workshop with 300 artist and 16 "Singeclubs".
(01) Bernd Walther & Folkloregruppe der TU Dresden - Carpe Diem
(02) Wolfgang Grahl & FDJ-Singestudio Müritz - Spottlied auf einen Moskaubesucher
(03) Antje Kankel - Das ist unser Tag
(04) Folkloregruppe der TU Dresden - Zygan Chodit
(05) Panajota Ruli & Klaus-Georg Eulitz - Kathe Mera
(06) Kurt Demmler - Zart soll es bleiben
(07) Kurt Demmler - Kastanie, Kastanie
(08) Antje Thümmler & Ulrich Stephan & Folkloregruppe der TU Dresden - O lenke durch die Welle
(09) Singklub Leipzig - Abendgedanken
(10) Herbert Lappe & Folkloregruppe der TU Dresden - Und darum trägt unsere Welt heut ein neues Gesicht
(11) Nora Löhr & Wolfgang Gregor - Venezolanisches Marktlied
(12) Jörn Fechner & Oktober-Klub Berlin - Mamita Mia
(13) Henry Jäger - Musja Pikinson
(14) Barbara Kellerbauer & Folkloregruppe der TU Dresden - Lied von der unruhvollen Jugend
(15) Frank Obermann & Sing-Klub 67, Karl-Marx-Stadt - Unsere Welt hat ein Millionengesicht
(16) Hartmut König & Oktober-Klub Berlin - Die Front der Patrioten ruft
(17) Panajota Ruli & Folkloregruppe der TU Dresden - Drapetis
(18) Nora Löhr & Wolfgang Gregor - Auseinandergehen
(19) Dorit Gäbler - Icke
(20) FDJ-Singestudio Müritz - Wir singen, weil wir jung sind
Werkstattwoche der FDJ-Singeclubs (1968)
(256 kbps, front cover included)