Hai’s father, Dr. Erich Frankl and his wife Elli (née Schachtel in Charlottenbrunn /Silesia on August 12, 1896) were deported on June 10, 1942, to Lublin and Majdanek – respectively to Sobibor – and murdered. Their daughter Hermine (born in Sophienau /Silesia on March 9, 1922) was able to reach Pyrford, England in a children’s transport and later moved to the USA.
Hai and his wife Gunny (née Wahlstroem) called Topsy, became known as the Folk-Duo “Hai and Topsy”. They toured West Germany in the 1960s
and 1970s, singing songs from the labour movement as well as Yiddish folk
They released the album "Wi ahin sol ich gejn?" in 1993 on the Wundertüte label.
Hai died on January, 13, 2016 - thanks a lot for all the wonderful music you gave us!
1 Mechutenesste Majne 2:21
2 Oj, Wi Fajnl 2:25
3 Du Solst Nit Gejn3:06
4 Zipele1:43
5 Mechutonim Gejn 2:54
6 Hot Sich Mir Di Sip Zesipt 1:21
7 Doss Pintele Jid 5:15
8 Der Jiddischer Proletar 2:08
9 Woss Darfn Mir Wejnen? 2:33
10 Warsche2:44
11 Wi Ahin Sol Ich Gejn? 3:03
12 Sog, Maran 1:48
13 Majn Schprach 2:19
14 Jidisch 1:35
15 Der Koss 2:07
16 Schalosch Ss'udess3:24
17 Dem Rebns Schirajim Y2:01
18 Efnt Rebetsn, Chassidim Gejen1:43
19 Lekowed Dem Hejlikn Schabess2:25
20 Oj, Chanuke! 1:51
21 Schtil, Di Nacht Is Ojssgeschternt 3:02
Hai & Topsy Frankl - Wi ahin sol ich gejn?
(256 kbps, cover art included)
7 Kommentare:
Thank you for this tribute and selection. These last two month's selections have been especially wonderful for their eclecticism. Whether you are posting jazz; Yiddish, Roma, and South African music; Chilean, British, and American folk music, or a variety of German genres, you have an uncanny ability for unknowingly targeting my taste, including posting the Fugs, Beat poetry and music, and poems, music, and plays by Brecht. For this reason and, too the political aspects and messages of so much of the music and spoken word arts, yours continues to be my favorite blog and a constant source of discovery and joy. As always, many, many thanks for what you do.
Feilimid, thanks again for this very uplifting comment! I am very lucky that there are people like you "out there" who appreciate the music featured on this blog. All the best to you & a nice weekend!
Hi zero,
what a fine music. Unfortunately KF is a mess. Ads ads ads. One new page after the other. It seems many others tried a dl - the statistics numbers show that.
I stored an album only one time at KF and received claims and claims. Some dl'ers are maybe lucky, many not. Is there a special trick I should know?
greetings, Robert
Robert, i am sorry for your dl problems. I use an download program and it works fine. Is there any other filehoster you can recommend?
good morning zero,
thank you for your kind reply. In the meantime I found out, that a dl program is helpful. But there are lots of filehosters where a dl is easy and one doesn't need any additional program. They all come with an ad. Thats no problem if in the end you get a dl.
I up my shares with imagenetz.de You like Buffy Sainte-Marie!? Here is my share of an Buffy album, if you want give it a try: https://www.imagenetz.de/6x5YB
Have a nice day, Robert
Hi zero, problem solved with an strong adblocker... thank you for your support, Robert
Thanks for your feedback, Robert. I will try imagenetz.de . And also a big up for the Buffy album - wonderful!
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