Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2025

The New Lost City Ramblers – Gone To The Country (1963)

During the folk boom of the late '50s and early '60s, the New Lost City Ramblers introduced audiences to the authentic string band sound of the 1920s and '30s, in the process educating a generation that had never heard this uniquely American sound of old-time music. While maintaining music with a social conscience, they added guts and reality to the folk movement, performing with humor and obvious reverence for the music.

Joined on this recording by fiddler Tracy Schwarz, this album explores new musical territory "at least ten years in either direction," including unaccompanied ballad singing and bluegrass. Of especial note is the variety of banjo styles represented, from drop thumb frailing to Ralph Stanley's style of early bluegrass three-finger picking.


A1 Hello John D.
A2 Grey Cat On The Tennessee Farm
A3 Liza Jane
A4 Buck Dancer's Choice
A5 Long Lonesome Road
A6 Danville Girl
A7 Tom Sherman's Bar Room
A8 Little Glass Of Wine
A9 Sinking In The Lonesome Sea
B1 Riding On That Train 45
B2 Wild And Western Hobo
B3 Pretty Little Miss Out In The Garden
B4 Rambler's Blues
B5 She Tickles Me
B6 The Little Carpenter
B7 Down South Blues
B8 Ain't No Bugs On Me

(256 kbps, cover art included)

4 Kommentare:

Mike hat gesagt…


Mike hat gesagt…

Thanks for New Lost City Ramblers. Any chance of a repost of the other albums on your site?
Mike M

Anonym hat gesagt…

Sorry, but in tracklist - 17 tracks and in archive - 16 tracks.

zero hat gesagt…

Sorry for the missing track - it is also missing in my original file.

The other albums will be refreshed in the next days.

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